Energy Work

Energy work is one of my favorite offerings. I love working with the nervous system on an energetic level to release blocks and balance within. Spirit guides this work and the intuitive insight I receive has been transformational to me and my clients.

Energy healing includes a combination of Reiki, Cranialsacral therapy, Chakra Balancing and other energy techniques that I have studied and trained in.

As a Reiki Master, I incorporate Reiki into each session. Reiki means Universal Life Energy. It is a gentle, loving, hands-on touch. I use special organic essential oils and prayer during each treatment.

Craniosacral therapy uses gentle touch to the body to rebalance the spinal fluid and nervous system. It relieves tension in the body and restores balance within.

Chakra Balancing is connecting to and balancing the energetic vortexes in the body to allow creativity to flow.

In person, the session is set up as a typical healing session. My clients rest on a heated crystal biomat and we use healing essential oils, copal to clear energy and lots of prayers.

To me, energy work feels like a shared meditative moment.