EMDR Therapy/Creative Arts Therapy

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. Small or large traumas can become locked in the nervous system, shaping our beliefs or actions. It’s as though these traumas are frozen in our bodies, minds, and nervous systems; we then create adaptive behaviors to survive. Often one can be re-triggered by trauma and experience PTSD symptoms. In an EMDR session, we target the original trauma – the emotions, body sensations and beliefs – using bi-lateral stimulation to bring insight and new development to the memory. We unlock the nervous system to clear the trauma and bring balance and clarity back to the system. We cannot change what happened in our past, but with EMDR we can change how it affects our future.

As a Creative Arts Therapist, I include movement, art, meditation to sessions as well. 

Personal Note:

I first learned of EMDR therapy when I was at the playground with my children in Brooklyn. I happened to meet another therapist who specialized in EMDR. It was like a message from the Universe that this therapeutic technique would not only change my practice completely but also help me to heal my own traumas and blocking beliefs. I dove deep into the process!!!! Connecting to exiled parts of myself through the bilateral stimulation shifted how I felt in the world. It brought a deeper sense of safety and a great presence and groundedness to my day to day life. Being a deeply spiritual person, I also found the process to be energetically supportive, accessing loving sweet memories of my Grandma Dolly. This helped me build a greater sense of safety within.

Whether we are resourcing, processing or using EMDR in a meditative state, my clients experience huge shifts and healings. My favorite part of EMDR is that a client doesn’t get lost in the story of what happened, but actually gets into the emotional/body/nervous system and from there reprocesses the experience. In my perspective, this is how and where deep healing and shifts occur.